Science / Medical Facts

When does life begin?
According to God (Psalm 139:13-16) and science, life begins immediately at conception. A fetus is really just a very small baby starting to develop. Even at 1 minute old in the womb, the baby is alive and is valued by God!
Is the fetus part of the woman’s body?
A fetus grows inside the woman's body and relies on her to survive. But, the fetus has different DNA, brain waves, organs, reflexes, nervous system, etc. which makes him or her a separate human being from the mother. Other "growths" (like a tumor) do have the same DNA as the mother.
Do you have any statistics on abortion?
The numbers are staggering… approximately 40 million babies are aborted worldwide each year; well over 1 billion babies have been aborted since 1973.

Parenting Readiness / Family Concerns

What if I'm not ready to be a parent?
Getting pregnant is a big deal and having a baby will certainly change your life. If you have seriously considered parenting and are sure that you’re not ready or able to be a parent, adoption is a great alternative to abortion. There are many people who are ready to be parents and who either cannot conceive or would just love to adopt a baby. You can take an unplanned event and turn it into a blessing for someone else!
What if I am single or having relationship problems?
Parenting is tough and we understand that these situations could make it harder. There are many couples who would be thrilled and very thankful to have a newborn baby! So please consider adoption for your child.
What if I am not financially, mentally, or physically able to care for a child?
Certainly those are challenging situations. Adoption is a great option. What better gift to give someone who would really love to have a baby!
Is it fair to bring an "unwanted baby" into the world?
So many couples cannot have children and long to raise a newborn, yet there are not enough newborns to adopt. Therefore, there is no such thing as an unwanted baby.
What if my significant other, parents, or counselor urge me to get an abortion?
No one can legally force you to have an abortion against your will. It might be hard to resist the pressure, but you should try to honor God above all. Besides, you are the one primarily who will forever live with the pain knowing that your child was aborted. On the other hand, consider the lifetime of joy you will have giving a family a chance to love your baby through adoption!
How do I handle family and friends who think I am making a big mistake?
Family and friends might not understand, but you will rest easier knowing that you made the right decision before God. Hopefully those who love you will eventually support and respect your choice to protect the life inside you.

Ethical / Moral / Legal

Is it okay to have an abortion if I am raped?
This is a very difficult and painful situation to deal with. Please keep in mind that your baby is innocent and is not responsible for his or her father's sin. The answer to evil is to overcome it with good. An abortion will not remove the pain of being raped. Instead, it will likely add to the pain. The baby is still God's precious creation and deserves to live.
Should I abort my child if I became pregnant through incest?
Babies are God's creation and deserve to live no matter how they were conceived and what physical or mental differences they might have. The pain you suffer as a result of incest will not be lessened by your having an abortion. In fact, it may significantly add to your pain and suffering.
What about a baby who won't be born "normal"?
Please remember that God doesn't make mistakes. Just because someone is "different" doesn't mean he is less valued or should be loved less. God creates people with various disabilities or special needs for His purposes. Besides, we are all different in one way or another. Through adoption, you have a unique opportunity to love a child or to bless someone else with this wonderful baby.
Is it okay to abort if the life of the mother is in danger?
Studies show that a mother's life is in jeopardy in less than 1% of abortion cases. All efforts should be made to preserve both the life of the mother and baby. If toward the end of the pregnancy, complications arise that threaten the mother’s health, the doctor will either induce labor or perform a Caesarean section. The baby’s life should never be willfully ended because the mother’s life is in danger.
Why can't I do what I want with my own body?
The fetus is a separate body living inside of you; he or she is not actually part of your body, rather the baby is contained in your body. Even though you have the ability to do what you want with what is inside your body, remember that God wants us to honor Him with our choices. A great decision would be to give your baby up for adoption and bless another family!
What about women's rights?
We all have certain legal rights, but just because something is legal doesn't mean it is good. You might have the right to abort your child, but we hope you consider what God would want you to do with the life He created inside of you.
Should abortion be safe, legal, and rare?
Even if abortion were totally safe for women, keep in mind that it is not safe for the baby in the womb. Certainly if something is wrong, then it shouldn't matter if it is safe, legal, or even rare. Think of how absurd it would be to suggest that things like slavery, rape, or kidnapping should be safe, legal, and rare. Terminating the life of a child is a serious issue that should be considered wrong no matter how rare it is or which laws and safety procedures are in place.
How can abortion be wrong if it is legal?
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is morally right. Life begins right at conception according to God and science. The Bible says that taking innocent life is wrong; therefore, we obey God because He is our highest authority.
If abortion doctors know that the preborn baby is alive, why don't they stop performing abortions?
Abortion is a very lucrative business. Abortionists know that babies are alive in the womb, but unfortunately they are dishonest to women. Despite knowing they are ending a life, doctors sell and perform abortions, rather than educate to protect women and their unborn babies.

Birth Control / Research

Is birth control another form of abortion?
In many cases the answer is yes. It depends on which form of contraception you use, so please research very carefully. Some methods of birth control, including birth control pills and the intrauterine device (IUD), do cause abortions.
Does discarding eggs fertilized in-vitro cause loss of life?
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) creates human life. Freezing and then discarding fertilized eggs does terminate life.
What about embryonic stem-cell research?
If the embryo is a live being, it makes no difference how developed it is. We would not sacrifice the life of a small child or an adult for research, so we should not use embryonic stem cells for research either.

Post-Abortion Problems

Won't it be easier to abort than to carry a baby for 9 months?
It may seem so initially, but you will have to live with the consequences of this decision for the rest of your life. No woman forgets that she chose to abort her child. The pain is real and can haunt you for the rest of your life. Conversely, the joy of being a parent or giving the wonderful gift of adoption will likely last a lifetime!
Does abortion leave women in mental anguish?
Abortion clinics will say no, but they do not have your best interest in mind because they benefit financially when women have abortions. Even women who have had an abortion might not confess her anguish because she feels guilty. But the truth is that most woman feel devastated for many years after and often for their entire life. God created us with a conscience, so the memory of ending the life of your own child can be overwhelming.
How can I get over the pain of having an abortion?
You should admit to God that you have sinned and made a terrible mistake. Repent of that sin and cry out to God asking for forgiveness. Only God can cleanse your heart and conscience completely. The worst thing you can do is to rationalize your choice; that will not bring restoration. For more on this, see our article "Can I be forgiven if I've had an abortion?"

Consider Life’s Beliefs

Why does this organization oppose abortion?
We love God and want to obey Him. We are for what He is for and against what He is against. God is the creator of all life, including babies in the womb. He is against the taking away of innocent life that He has created. We also love unborn babies, so we are here to be their voice since they can't speak for themselves.
Aren’t you imposing this organization’s morals on others?
We stand firm in our convictions and are responsible for sharing information to enlighten others. We care about you and your baby very much. We do not want you to dishonor God or harm yourself or your baby. We publicly share our convictions just as others do who feel strongly against serious issues like rape, slavery, and child abuse.
Why should we care if other people are getting abortions?
We truly care for expectant parents and their babies. We also want to be a voice for God. Since real babies are losing their life, it is hard to not be outraged and saddened. Would you oppose laws that legalize rape, child abuse, or slavery even if those issues didn't directly affect you?
Why do you bring God and the Bible into the discussion?
God is the creator of all life and the Bible is God's Word. We believe God's authority carries more weight than human argument.
How can my heart be changed about abortion?
Only Jesus Christ can truly change a heart. When people come to faith in Him, they become a new person with new desires. They will desire to obey the Lord in all matters including issues surrounding life and death. For more information about Jesus Christ and His amazing mercy and grace, please read any of the articles on this website.