My body, my choice?

Let's face it; nobody likes being told what to do with her own body. If you are pregnant, you may be trying to decide whether to give birth or have an abortion. Before you make such an important and life-changing decision, it is critical to think everything through carefully.

Nobody would argue that a fetus is not attached to a woman's uterus. Consider though whether the fetus is really part of the woman's body or whether the fetus is a separate entity that is temporarily located in a woman's body. Science tells us that right at conception this tiny growing life has different DNA than the mother’s. Even at very early stages, we see little organs, limbs, and a brain being formed. If you look at an ultrasound, you will clearly see a totally separate, tiny, growing person in the womb.

As we consider God's perspective, everything in the world actually belongs to Him—including us and our bodies (Psalm 24:1). Since our bodies belong to God, we need to know what He wants us to do with them. The Bible says we should do all things for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). God wants us to protect people who are poor, needy, and helpless. Certainly the unborn would fall into that description.

You might be thinking the timing is not right for you to have a baby right now. Maybe it’s difficult financially. Maybe your relationship with the baby’s father is not as solid as you would like. There are many circumstances that can make having a baby difficult. However, there is no excuse that can ever justify ending the life of a person no matter the age. Even if that person is very small and inside your body.

Besides, there are many people who are ready to care for a child and would willingly and happily adopt your baby. If you are not ready for a baby, giving him or her to a loving couple to raise honors the life God created and also gives a family a child it has been hoping and praying for. 

As you think about your life and body, it is even more important to think about your soul. Life is short and you never know when it will be over. When that day comes, you will stand before God who is the judge of all (Romans 2:16). Every person is sinful and has broken God's laws (Romans 3:23) such as lying, stealing, lusting, not loving his neighbor, etc. There is a penalty for sinning against a holy God (Romans 6:23). You can never do enough good works to save yourself (Titus 3:5).

Jesus Christ came to the earth as both God (Colossians 2:9) and sinless man (Hebrews 4:15). He came to reconcile (Romans 5:10) and redeem sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). Jesus demonstrated His love by dying on the cross to pay sin's penalty (Romans 5:8). He rose from the dead three days later and is alive today (1 Corinthians 15:4). God commands you to repent of your sins (Matthew 4:17) and believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior (John 3:16) to have eternal life in heaven.

If you are considering getting an abortion, you may be thinking that you will just ask God to forgive you after. That is very dangerous thinking to presume upon God's grace (Romans 6:1-2). Abortion is a very serious sin that ends the life of an unborn baby created in the image of God. The Bible tells us that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7-9) so please heed God's warning.