Is abortion morally wrong?

Most people have very strong opinions about abortion. Some people think it is just a personal choice, whereas others think it is wrong. Should we all just agree to disagree or might there be an absolute definitive answer?

A reasonable question to consider is, when does life actually begin? According to the Bible, God wonderfully creates people in the womb (Psalm 139:13–15). Babies in the womb possess personal attributes such as joy (Luke 1:44). They are also described by personal pronouns such as "you," "me," and "he" (Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 49:1, Matthew 1:20–21). The unborn John the Baptist is referred to as a “baby” (Luke 1:41). Unborn babies are viewed by people as worthy of the same protection and rights as adults (Exodus 21:22–23).

Regardless of the size of a person or his or her location, a human is a human. We are all made in the image of God. So, even a newly conceived baby has an eternal soul and is created in the likeness of God. He has given us the responsibility and privilege to protect these precious and innocent lives.

Since abortion takes the life of a helpless unborn baby, it is a very serious offense to a holy God. Because we are created in the image of God, He has created us as moral beings who know right from wrong. We know it is wrong to steal, lie, murder, etc. These "wrongs" are what the Bible calls "sin." All of us have sinned (Romans 3:23), and God must punish sin because He is just and holy.

You can't undo the sins of your past, there is good news. Thankfully, God has provided a way for people to receive forgiveness for their sins. He sent His only Son—Jesus Christ—to earth. Jesus was tempted in every way, but He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). He showed us His love by dying for sinful people on the cross (Romans 5:8). He took the punishment that we deserved. After Jesus died, He rose from the dead three days later (1 Corinthians 15:4).

It is hard to imagine how kind Jesus was to die for sinful people. He clearly demonstrated his love, mercy, and amazing grace to undeserving people (Romans 5:8). The Bible says that unless you repent (turn from your sin and turn toward God) and believe that Jesus died for your sins, you will perish (Luke 13:3). You can't earn favor with God in any way. There is also nothing you can do on your own to be forgiven for your sins. In fact, repentance, as well as saving faith are both gifts from God (2 Timothy 2:25, Ephesians 2:8–9). The good news is that God can forgive you and grant you eternal life in heaven!

When God saves people, He conforms them and gives them a new heart (Ezekiel 36:36). God's Word—the Bible—now becomes their guide for moral issues such as abortion. The inevitable result is a change in their opinions and a desire to obey and honor God with all decisions.

Perhaps you are reading this contemplating abortion. For the sake of you and your baby and because it is right before a holy God, we pray that you avoid making a life-changing mistake that will likely haunt you forever. Ask God to give you the faith to repent and believe in Him. Ask God to give you the courage to save a life and the means to take care of your baby or give him or her up for adoption. 

Also, we would strongly warn you not to get an abortion with the expectation to get forgiveness after. God warns people that they will reap what they sow because He will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).  If you are truly God's child you will want to obey Him even when it is very difficult.